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Pasqal Documentation



A group of jobs with the same sequence that will run on the same backend.


A numerical simulator of the QPU that emulate the quantum physics of a system.

Pasqal has 2 simulators available through the Cloud:

  • EMU-FREE: a simple QuTip emulator for small quantum systems.
  • EMU-TN: a “Tensor Network” emulators running on our dedicated Cluster.


A calculation to execute on the QPU defined by a Pulser sequence. It requires multiple shots in order to derive a statically representative distribution of the resulting bitstrings.


A scoped collaboration between Pasqal and a client, involving an account manager from Pasqal and all the employees from the client company who will contribute or lead this collaboration.


Pulser is an open source Python package developed by Pasqal for low-level manipulation of a neutral atom quantum device. It contains efficient, optimized simulation routines for learning and exploration. Note that more higher-level algorithm stacks are currently in development for this tool. For more information, see Pulser documentation (external) .

Pulser Studio

Pulser Studio is a no-code tool accessible through our Cloud platform, allowing for executing Pulser code in a graphical way directly in your the browser. It can entirely running locally on an emulator optimized for a web browser.

Pulser Studio is also integrated into the Cloud platform in order make use of our GPU based emulators.

Check it out here: Pulser Studio (external) .


Quantum Processing Unit. The physical device that executes Pulser sequences.

Today, Pasqal’s quantum computer based on neutral atoms is called Orion Alpha (or Fresnel). The neutral atoms, controlled by optical tweezers, compose an array of 100 qubits.

Run (or shot)

A single execution of a Pulser sequence on the QPU. It is a synonym of “run” or “repetition”. This execution returns a specific bitstring.

Cloud Software Development Kit (Cloud SDK)

An open-source lightweight Python library to interact with the cloud APIs.

User portal

Web interface which lets you follow your jobs’ progress, check their logs, retry them if needed, download their results, manage their profile, join projects and much more.

Check it out here: Pasqal Cloud User Portal (external)