Set up your account
Welcome aboard
When a user is invited for the first time to the platform, they should receive an email to signup to the platform.
Please follow the invite link in the email to complete the signup process.
Join a Pasqal Project
A project on the Pasqal Compute Platform is a scoped collaboration between Pasqal and a client, involving an account manager from Pasqal and all the employees from the client company who will contribute or lead this collaboration.
Joining one or more projects is needed to use the Pasqal’s User Portal but also to submit jobs and use the SDK.
Members will be asked to accept a project invitation directly through Pasqal’s User Portal.
Project invitations can be accepted from 3 locations:
- First log in: when you log into the User Portal for the first time, you will have to accept one project invitation. If you are stuck on the User Portal homepage without any invitations popping-up, please contact your project administrator.
- The dashboard: from the homepage of the User Portal, invitations will be displayed on the top of the page.
- The general “Projects” page: click on the
User menu icon
(top right corner of the page), then onProjects
. You will access the general “Projects” page, where invitations are displayed at the top of the page.
Find your project ID
You will need your project ID to submit jobs to the platform. Here is how:
- Click on the “user icon menu” in the top right corner of the User portal
- Then click on “Projects” in the dropdown menu: This displays a table of all the projects you belong to.
- Then click on the row of the project you want to create your batch for: you can then copy the value of the ID which is located above the project name.